Thanks to Ikahi (Male Rodian Model)
Thanks to Theewo (Female Rodian Model)
- Slider Information
- Hair/Frill Color Pallet
- Female Hairstyles
- Male Hairstyles
- Eye Color Pallet
- Nose Color Pallet
- Skin Color Pallet
Slider Information
Body: Muscle/Height/Weight/Torso
Eyes/Nose: Eye Size/Eye Shape/Nose Length/Nose Width/Nose Protrusion
Face: Lips/Mouth/Jaw/Cheeks/Ears/Sensors
(Female hairstyles and male frillstyles
use the same color pallet. It is labeled differently in the imaging window, and the male's box appears smaller and is
titled "frill color", but the colors are the same and placed in the same order. As such, the row x column formula still
works for both female and male hair/frill colors using this pallet)