ATK Event
Date: 04/01/2006
Start Time: 8:00pm
EST :: 5:00pm EST
Location: The Lucky
Depot, Mos Eisley, Tatooine
WayPoint: 3328
MoLUE presents
another ATK event at the Lucky Depot in Mos Eisley. All entertainers and traders are welcome to come and perform/sell during
the event, and all Tempestians are welcome to come join in the fun. Wear your silliest most outrageous outfit, get a wacky
image design, anything you can think of to make things a little zany and crazy. If you would like to participate in "stand-up"
hour, please be sure to let Li'Annah know before the event begins. Stand-up hour will begin at 10:00 PM EST. If there are
no comedians participating, we will simply continue on with the party.
ATK means "At The
Keyboard". If you have to leave the party or go AFK for any reason, it would be greatly appritiated that you either return
to the Mos Eisley Cantina, retire to one of the secluded rooms, or log out.
If you are interested
in an ATK Event at your favorite NPCity or PCity cantina, or if you would like more information about joining the MoLUE guild,
please contact Li'Annah.
If you are receiving
this mail directly from Li'Annah, then you are on the MoLUE mailing list. If
you are receiving this mail as a forward, you are not on the MoLUE mailing list. If
you wish to be added or removed from the mailing list, please contact Li'Annah.
We look forward
to seeing all of you at the event!!!
MTFBWY - and thanks for all
the fish!